Determine which mindsets promote your success and which impede them, and what to do to get yourself on track to where you want to be.
We are our biggest obstacles to achieving our career goals. Although you may know this intellectually, it can be hard to shift this energy in yourself. Part of what makes this challenging is not having a clear view of where you’re stuck, and what to do to clear those stuck points.
Beyond a growth mindset, there are specific mindsets that Merideth has found obstruct career fulfillment, advancement, and transformation, whether staying where you are or moving in a new career direction. In this webinar, we’ll look at several belief and behavior traps that are easy to fall into, especially given the demanding, 24×7 nature of work. These mindsets lead us to self-fulfilling outcomes that don’t serve us individually, and which must be reframed to unlock our potential to reach our career goals.
We’ll look at real-life examples of destructive mindsets in action, as well as what happens when you turn them upside down, reframing how you think, hold yourself, and navigate your career journey. We’ll assess where you fall prey to these blockers and strategize how to shift them to free yourself up to achieve your career aspirations. You’ll leave with a practical playbook for how to continue this work in your daily life and reap the benefits for years to come.